Monday, December 9, 2019

More Empowering Content for Leaders

Photo by Fox from Pexels
You are powerful when you allow Christ to be the center of your life. You truly are. My task is to help you tap into that potential.

Occasionally, I like to post a reminder of the multiple ways you can access the empowering content I have produced—content designed to facilitate and encourage your development in life, leadership and ministry.

Here is a simple list:

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why So Many Atheists?

Why are there so many agnostics and atheists?

If you have been transformed by God's grace, you may find it hard to comprehend how people cannot see the evidence of His existence. Perhaps many of them have not yet encountered someone with a convincing testimony of personal transformation. Perhaps the evidence is not yet apparent to them.

In this video presentation, "Living Proof," I draw attention to the life that believers have in the Spirit and how the fruit of this life is the proof that God is real.